Video monitoring companies that are hosted by a UL827 data center can now be Five Diamond 

In 2022, the Five Diamond program expanded to include TMA Member video monitoring companies that are hosted by a UL827 data center. Note: Data center must also be a TMA member. 

Operator recertification requirement for the Five Diamond Designation 

Certification is a vital component of professional development and essential in compliance training. Periodic recertification demonstrates a commitment to maintaining competency. Recertification ensures your operator’s skills and knowledge are up-to-date on the regulations and rules that are essential to their job and industry. The Five Diamond Committee and the TMA Board moved to include the addition of a recertification component for the Operator courses; certified operators will be required to recertify every three years. The operator recertification requirement began with the 2021-2022 Five Diamond Designation renewal cycle. The recertification program was implemented in 2021, now all Five Diamond companies are required to be full compliance. At minimum, operators that last received their certification in 2020 or prior, must recertify in 2023. Requests for adjustment to program compliance deadlines will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Five Diamond Checklist - Available to view/download for reference HERE.

Five Diamond Application - Available to view/download for reference HERE.

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The Monitoring Association (TMA)

7918 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VA

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